
Showing posts from October, 2017

Introduction to Eurocentrism, Androcentrism and Sociological Theory

It should be stressed, however, that it is not our contention that the recognition of these biases requires that existed sociological theory be deleted from sociology curricula in universities. Rather, we argue from experience, for a fresh approach to teaching classical sociological theory that attunes students in more meaningful and critical ways to the works of Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), Karl Marx (1818-1883), Max Weber (1864-1920), Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) Harriet Martineau (1802-1876), Joze Rizal (1861-1896), Said Nursi (1877-1960), Pandita Ramabai Saraswati (1858-1922), Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), Benoy Kumar Sarkar (1887-1949) and other representatives of the canon. Another critical feature of this book relates to the specific treatment of the 'founding fathers' of sociological theory. Again typically, students are directed to the Enlightenment, the Industrial and French Revolutions, as the backdrop against which a body of social thought emerged. thus the ris...

A Young Muslim's Guide To The Modern World - Seyyed Hossein Nasr

What is needed, therefore, is first of all the reassertion of the eternal truths of Islam as revealed in the Noble Quran, explained and elucidated in the Hadith and Sunnah of the Blessed Prophet and commented upon by centuries of Muslim scholars and thinkers. This reassertion must present the heart of the Islamic message beyond all sectarian biases and divisions, and emphasize that unity which is the very heart of the Islamic message. But such a presentation requires a contemporary language which can be understood by Muslim youth, the great majority of whom have not experienced the traditional madrasah education and are therefore not familiar with the intellectual language of the classical Islamic texts, even though they may know Arabic or other Islamic languages well.  Recently, in this regard the study of Islam re-covered tremendous work through the Orientals in several language include the present-day English,  France, German and modern Dutch. An example approach to po...

The New World Of Islam - Lothrop Stoddard

Before describing that shift power in the other hands which was momentous for the history of Islamic world, let us first consider the decline in cultural and intellectual vigour that set in concurrently with the disruption of political and religious trash during the later stage of the Independence period. This books quarterly en-counter part a chapter within  the dark ages of backwardness in the Muslim world. Further, in this views constructed by Dr. Lothrop concise an experimental discover on the rise and revivals of Muslim mind. The supposition making is not enough in express counterpart the challenge facing by Muslims societies. The contact of Europe on the East has caused us both much good and much evil, in the material and intellectual sense. Evil from the moral and political point of view exhausted by long struggles enervated by a brilliant civilization.   The upshot was that the feudal consist more and more toward the conservative theologians as against l...

The Study of Islam and Importance of 'The Idea of an Anthropology of Islam" in South-East Asia

"The purpose of anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences". Ruth Benedict (1887 – 1948) Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world, indeed; it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead (1901 – 1978) The move from a focus on Islam as a theological concept to an interest in local definitions of what Islam can signify for people who practice it to led towards agency and content with the works of Clifford Geertz, Talal Asad and Dale F. Eickelman. The prerequisites of this academic shift have been discussed in depth by Dale F. Eickelman in his groundbreaking textbook ‘The Middle East. An Anthropological Approach (1981), which emphasises that Islam as an abstract category can be understood in a number of ways by the practicing Muslims of the world. This stance had a consequence for the academic approach, and Eickelman’s and other scholars’ works from the 1970s can correctly b...

Budaya dan Etika Kerja Melayu dan Cina Berniaga : Dari Perspektif Peradaban

Menurut Max Weber dalam the Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism (1905), penguasaan dalam bidang ekonomi berhubungkait dengan budaya kelompok kepercayaan sebagaimana beliau merangkai kaitan Protestanism dan Kapitalism yang menerapkan unsur individualistik sehingga memisahkan hubungan sesama manusia. Idea dan teori Weber kemudiannya diolah kepada sebuah kajian dalam bidang ‘Social Psychology’. Para sarjana seterusnya mengkaji interaksi budaya dalam menggerakkan cara kerja dan tahap pencapaian ekonomi dan perniagaan sesebuah negara. Menurut Samuel Huntington, “Peradaban (Civilization) merupakan konstruksi pencapaian budaya tertinggi”. BUDAYA DAN ETIKA NIAGA Secara umum budaya perniagaan dalam kalangan Melayu dan Cina Muslim berlandaskan hadis Rasulullah saw melalui Imam Al-Ghazali, “ 9/10 peluang rezeki adalah dalam bentuk perniagaan”. Dimana seruan bersikap amanah dan adil dalam perniagaan tertakluk kepada prinsip yang jelas dalam Surah Al-Isra’ aya...

Cita Sempurna Warisan Sejarah

Kefahaman tentang cita sempurna telah dilukiskan dengan terangnya oleh Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882), seorang ahli falsafah dan sasterawan Amerika yang terkenal sebagai contoh dalam dunia bagaimana semangat mencapai kejayaan dan kekuasaan menjadi penggerak utama dalam sejarah. Prof. Alatas menggariskan ciri kepimpinan yang dikehendaki sebagai peneraju membentuk masyarakat sempurna (ideal society) berdasarkan pembahagian susun lapis yang dianjurkan oleh mahaguru ekonomi Prof. Kawai Eijiro (1891-1944) untuk menjelaskan cita sosial (social ideal) dalam masyarakat. Jenis pemimpin yang mempunyai cita sempurna pertama terunggul sepanjang zaman adalah Saidina Ali bin Abi Talib (Khalifah ke-4) dan Umar Abdul Aziz (Khalifah Umayyah ke-8, 717M). Mereka dipandu oleh ‘cita sempurna’ dan bentuk pemerintahannya adalah republik berdasarkan hukum al-quran. Mereka tidak mengumpul harta, menyalahguna kuasa, menindas yang lemah, bertindak sewenang-wenang atau melindungi petugas yan...