A Young Muslim's Guide To The Modern World - Seyyed Hossein Nasr

What is needed, therefore, is first of all the reassertion of the eternal truths of Islam as revealed in the Noble Quran, explained and elucidated in the Hadith and Sunnah of the Blessed Prophet and commented upon by centuries of Muslim scholars and thinkers. This reassertion must present the heart of the Islamic message beyond all sectarian biases and divisions, and emphasize that unity which is the very heart of the Islamic message. But such a presentation requires a contemporary language which can be understood by Muslim youth, the great majority of whom have not experienced the traditional madrasah education and are therefore not familiar with the intellectual language of the classical Islamic texts, even though they may know Arabic or other Islamic languages well. 

Recently, in this regard the study of Islam re-covered tremendous work through the Orientals in several language include the present-day English,  France, German and modern Dutch. An example approach to points out the views of past scholar like Ibn Khaldun, we quote the objectivity have being playwright by the correct idea of evolutionary of Human Thought on civilization. Perhaps, the kind of anthroplogical synthesis emerge the high notions on virtue encouter the erronous might led modern science into the separation of animal kingdoms. Despite, Toshihiko Izutsu in his book 'God and Man in the Quran' is one of connotation brought re-construct the idea relations between man and god as example to develop the idea of covenant. Most pertinent are Ibn Khaldun's view on history, geography, historiography, urbanity, and civilization, on the nomadic settled dichotomy as an engine of state formation, on the characteristics and conditions of urban life, and on the rise and fall of cities as a function of the rise and fall of states. Secondary sources will be introduced to further explain Ibn Khaldun terminology and concepts and situate them in relation to their historical and Islamic milieu and to genealogies of the various scholarly fields that the muqaddima pioneered.

Many others confront the challenge of the modem science within the geographic confines of the Islamic world itself and within educational institutions and certain social circles which, although in Muslim lands, are in reality outposts of the West. Many are alienated from Islam as a result of the crushing influence of alien ideologies, while others react mostly with emotional outbursts and occasional violence. 

Of the other, past scholarly works of al-Biruni. He might concern as a piousman on understanding the idea of religion. Al-Biruni (973 -1048) was a persian scholar and polymath from khwarezm region. He is regarded as one of the scholars of the medieval era. Al-Biruni was well versed in physics, mathematics, astronomy and natural sciences, and also distinguished himself as a historian and chronologist.  he was shi'ite muslim with agnostic tendencies. his poetical work seek combine Greek wisdom and islamic thought. He spent large of his life in Sultan Mahmud Ghazni (971 -1030) whereas place Al-Farabi and Firdausi might play the discern of syllogism (mantiq). Al-biruni offers a more detailed explanation about philosophical dimension and a popular manifestation. For the elites, the religious tradition is monotheistic, is monotheistic as like other religious communities, especially to defining the concept of the Highest Being (God). But at the popular level, the iconographic representation and figurative symbols (e.g., idols or statues) is also expressed in other religious traditions. In his Kitab Al-Hind and Kitab Al-Athar, Al-Biruni developed the concept of life world (lebenswelt) in contrast which refers to the everyday experiences. He makes a discourse between Jews, Persian, Christian, pre-Arab Islam and Sabians.  In his state, Al-Biruni's claim that the particular religious traditions can be observed in how the religious communities connect the Highest Reality to figure the symbols represents the highest Reality. 


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