The New World Of Islam - Lothrop Stoddard
Before describing that shift power in the other hands which was momentous for the history of Islamic world, let us first consider the decline in cultural and intellectual vigour that set in concurrently with the disruption of political and religious trash during the later stage of the Independence period. This books quarterly en-counter part a chapter within the dark ages of backwardness in the Muslim world. Further, in this views constructed by Dr. Lothrop concise an experimental
discover on the rise and revivals of Muslim mind. The supposition
making is not enough in express counterpart the challenge facing by Muslims societies. The contact
of Europe on the East has caused us both much good and much evil, in the
material and intellectual sense. Evil from the moral and political point of
view exhausted by long struggles enervated by a brilliant civilization.
The upshot was that the feudal consist more and more toward the conservative theologians as against liberal, just as they favoured the religious exclusivism under the Neo-Apartheid government frankly came out orthodoxy dogmatic were established. The canons of Moslem thought were fixed closed not to be re-open, in present-day of all creative activity ceased the very memory of the great Motazelite.
standpoint is ably presented by a British ‘liberal imperialist’, Prof. Ramsay
Muir who writes ; “It is an
undeniable fact that the imperialism of the European peoples has been the means
whereby European civilization has been in some degree extended to the whole
world, so that today the whole world has become a single economic unit, and all
its members are parts of a single political system. And this achievement brings
us in sight of the creation of a world-order such as the wildest dreamers of
the past could never have anticipated.”
As Lord
Cromer says; “It is doubtful whether the price which is being paid for
introducing European civilization into these backward Eastern societies is always recognized as fully as it
should be the material benefits derived from European civilization are
unquestionably great, but as regards the ultimate effect on public and private
morality the future is altogether uncertain.
In the intellectual and spiritual fields, likewise the leaven of Westernism is clearly apparent. We have already seen how profoundly Muslim liberal reformers have been influenced by western ideas and the spirit of Western progress. Of course in these fields Westernism has progressed more slowly and has awakened much stronger opposition than it has on the material plane. Material innovation, especially mechanical improvements, comforts, and luxuries make their way much faster than novel customs or ideas, which usually shock established beliefs or ancestral prejudices was taken up with extraordinary rapidity by every race and clime. Western progress and zeal for western ideas have cooled or have actually given place to a reactionary hatred of the very spirit of western civilization. Nevertheless, even today the old system persists, and millions of young Orientals are still wasting their time at this mind petrifying nonsense. As an American sociologist remarked of the growing slum evil throughout the industrialized Orient “The greatest danger is due to the fact that Orientals do not have the high Western sense of the value of the life of the individual, and are, comparatively speaking, without any retraining influence similar to our own enlightened public opinion, which has been roused by struggles of a century of indusrial strife. Their traditionalism, ignorance and apathy and also because there is no real connection between them and the intelligentsia, the other centre of social discontent.
Sir Alfred Lyall well describes the dark side of Western education in the East when he say;
is unquestionably the root of many evils, and it was natural that in the last
century certain philosophers should have assumed education to be a certain
cure for human delusions, and that statesmen like Macaulay should have declared
education to be the best and surest remedy for political discontent and for
The acknowledge which comes from the eyes of European is a concomitant ideal throughout historical excellence due to respect a wonder of religioness. Eventhough, what in the
west they esteem as national sentiment, in the East they consider xenophobia’. “From
all this, it is plain that the whole Moslem world must unite in a great
defensive alliance, to preserve itself from destruction, and to do this it must
acquire the technique of western progress and learn the secrets of European power”.
Sir Thomas Morison in England and Islam has said that, the truth is that Islam is more than a creed, it is a complete social system, it is a civilization with a philosophy, a culture and an art of its own in its long struggle against the rival civilization of Christendom it has become an organic unit conscious of itself”. In particular Islam in histories still load of their continuities on the discoveries. An approach of prophetic tradition which an idea of the proof the truth. Whereas from western modes of views is they call the seek on empirical scientific evidence. In several recognition due to the spread of Islam indeed to re-claiming new significance orientation on historical contact with the muslim world must more analitical made by Sir Thomas Walker Arnold (1864-1930) through the Preaching of Islam. In this regard the world of Islam inside, the viewpoint of historical contact necessary to produce a brilliant and ingenuity throughout the historical kingdom that is calls as 'the ideal of excellence'.
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