
Silaturrahim (mother nature)

"... bahawa Allah 'Azza wa Jalla berfirman , Akulah Tuhan. Aku Maha Pengasih, Aku ciptakan 'rahim' (persaudaraan) dan Aku ambil perkataan itu dari nama-Ku. Maka barangsiapa menghubungkan silaturrahim, maka aku suka berhubung dengannya. Barangsiapa memutuskannya, nescaya aku memutuskannya." - Imam habib abdullah alhaddad. P andangan  mengenai faham tentang maksud silaturrahim menjadi teras kelansungan baka/persaudaraan seluruh umat manusia. Menurut prinsip ini kekuatan sesebuah bangsa berakar dari teguh dan eratnya silaturrahim antara kerabat keluarga. Konflik 'silaturrahim' sebab tercetus krisis zaman ini. Pengenalan Faham Silaturrahim 1. Sebagai manusia, seseorang itu termaktub asal kejadiaannya dari belahan bahagian sifat(nature) ibu (rahim) dan ayah (rahman).  Kita semestinya perlu mengikat silaturrahim terutama dengan ibu dan bapa, sesama adik beradik, sanak semenakan ibu dan semanakan bapa (ibubapa sauradara) iaitu sanak saudara (adik beradik ...

KLCC : The Monument of The Moments

Friday 10 Nov : Kuala Lumpur honoured at The Top Asia Corporate Ball 2017 . I joint the  Top 10 of Asia (The Essence of High Achievers and Affluent Society) placed at main hall Mandarin hotel was besides the Petronas KLCC Twin Tower.  This night in particular the distiguished winning star-studded Awards. One of them  was selected is Sufie Rashid whose singaporean as New Asian Male Singers making Waves in the Music Industry. The dinner begin with the silence prayer for the flood victims in Penang. Then the speech by YM Tunku Mudzaffar Tunku Mustapha later the dinner was enjoy singing performance by Lisa Surihani, Dato' Ziana Zain , Dato' Awie and the comedy presented by Douglas Lim . And also, the young Sabah forms indigenous music tools, they had play their performance with very energetic spirits. and i stand come close to the stage which caused of exciting emotions. We will see there the invited guest from the outside looks very happy that nights, they having tak...

Eurocentrism : Re-view from Literature

In 1991, American movie called 'Robinhood : Princes of Thieves' was made. It has some very interesting Eurocentric and non-eurocentric garment. The movie begin, which the Kevin Costner acted of Robinhood. The movie begin with the azan, dark jail Jerusalem with very cruel characters areas hudud laws being applied, Robinhood himself was under threat is hand of Chelt off. But the same time you have very interesting character by named of Azeem, the muslim, an arab played by the famous African American actor Morgan Freeman who was presented as a very civilized man and chivalrous man the quality of chivalry (futuwah) who was honourable he was catologically savvy, for example he have a portable telescope machine with out which he amazed the English man who around him, not showing the civilizing technological advancement of the muslims in those days.  Some interesting elements of an attempt to be counter to Eurocentric, but overall the film movie was euro-centric, because it still p...

The Seven Companion

Among the insipid legends of ecclesiastical history, I am (Gibbon) tempted to distinguish the memorable fable of the Seven Sleepers : whose imaginary date corresponds with the reign of the younger Theodosius, and the conquest of Africa by the Vandals. When the emperor Decius persecuted the Christians, seven noble youths of Ephesus concealed themselves in a spacious cavern in the side of an adjacent mountain ; where they were doomed to perish by the tyrant, who gave orders that the entrance should be firmly secured with a pile of huge stones. They immediately fell into a deep slumber, which was miraculously prolonged, without injuring the powers of life, during a period of 187 years. At the end of that time, the slaves of Adolius, to whom the inheritance of the mountain had descended, removed the stones, to supply materials for some rustic edifice ; the light of the sun darted into the cavern, the seven sleepers were permitted to awake. After a slumber, as they thought, of a few hour...

Introduction to Eurocentrism, Androcentrism and Sociological Theory

It should be stressed, however, that it is not our contention that the recognition of these biases requires that existed sociological theory be deleted from sociology curricula in universities. Rather, we argue from experience, for a fresh approach to teaching classical sociological theory that attunes students in more meaningful and critical ways to the works of Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), Karl Marx (1818-1883), Max Weber (1864-1920), Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) Harriet Martineau (1802-1876), Joze Rizal (1861-1896), Said Nursi (1877-1960), Pandita Ramabai Saraswati (1858-1922), Florence Nightingale (1820-1910), Benoy Kumar Sarkar (1887-1949) and other representatives of the canon. Another critical feature of this book relates to the specific treatment of the 'founding fathers' of sociological theory. Again typically, students are directed to the Enlightenment, the Industrial and French Revolutions, as the backdrop against which a body of social thought emerged. thus the ris...

A Young Muslim's Guide To The Modern World - Seyyed Hossein Nasr

What is needed, therefore, is first of all the reassertion of the eternal truths of Islam as revealed in the Noble Quran, explained and elucidated in the Hadith and Sunnah of the Blessed Prophet and commented upon by centuries of Muslim scholars and thinkers. This reassertion must present the heart of the Islamic message beyond all sectarian biases and divisions, and emphasize that unity which is the very heart of the Islamic message. But such a presentation requires a contemporary language which can be understood by Muslim youth, the great majority of whom have not experienced the traditional madrasah education and are therefore not familiar with the intellectual language of the classical Islamic texts, even though they may know Arabic or other Islamic languages well.  Recently, in this regard the study of Islam re-covered tremendous work through the Orientals in several language include the present-day English,  France, German and modern Dutch. An example approach to po...

The New World Of Islam - Lothrop Stoddard

Before describing that shift power in the other hands which was momentous for the history of Islamic world, let us first consider the decline in cultural and intellectual vigour that set in concurrently with the disruption of political and religious trash during the later stage of the Independence period. This books quarterly en-counter part a chapter within  the dark ages of backwardness in the Muslim world. Further, in this views constructed by Dr. Lothrop concise an experimental discover on the rise and revivals of Muslim mind. The supposition making is not enough in express counterpart the challenge facing by Muslims societies. The contact of Europe on the East has caused us both much good and much evil, in the material and intellectual sense. Evil from the moral and political point of view exhausted by long struggles enervated by a brilliant civilization.   The upshot was that the feudal consist more and more toward the conservative theologians as against l...